"It's Boring!"

Great ideas on how to make study fun 

By Luke Scrutton

One of the biggest problems kids of all ages – from 3 year olds right up to teenagers – have with study is that they can find it incredibly boring. The following suggestions on how to make study fun should help to relieve that boredom and get your kids to actually enjoy studying – which will, of course, ultimately reflect in the grades they achieve.


How to make study fun

Determining how to make study fun for your kids obviously partly depends on their age. A three-year old, for example, may appreciate a trip to the beach to improve their numerical skills by counting shells, while the same approach would most likely be greeted with disdain (at best) by a teenager. In a similar manner, allowing your child to listen to music and/or have study friends around may work really well for a teenager, but could easily turn into utter mayhem for younger children!

Flashcards and games; puzzles and quizzes, on the other hand, can be tailored to suit and are typically well received by kids of all ages, as are ‘field trips’ – such as visits to the zoo, museums or historic sites; forests, local parks or indeed any other destinations likely to help impart knowledge in an interesting, fun way.


Finding ideas

There are some great resources helping to make studying more fun for kids online. OxfordOwl.com, for example, offers some excellent ideas on how to make study fun for 3 to 11-year-old children; JoeyGreen.com features some great fun science experiments and TopMarks.co.uk offers a variety of fun maths and literacy games for 3 to 14-year-old kids. OurEveryDayLife.com and UnderstandingTeenagers.com.au, on the other hand, offer some fantastic ideas on motivating and making study more fun for teenagers. You can also find a list of resources suitable for both parents and teachers at BBC.co.uk.

Below is a list of some websites and games that might be of interest:

Holiday activities

Organised holiday clubs and activities also help to make learning more enjoyable. They do so in two ways: first of all, they ‘disguise’ the fact that your kids are actually learning by ‘dressing’ the educational element up in games and competitions, for instance. Secondly, these clubs/activities prevent kids forgetting what they have learned prior to the holiday. This in turn will enable them to return to school and cope with their subjects with confidence, which in itself will allow them to enjoy learning more.


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