"Quality after-school education..."

How to get up to 42% off your tuition 

By Luke Scrutton

If you are an employee you will probably qualify for Childcare Vouchers

At Genie Tutors, one of our main goals is to bring quality after-school education to as many children as possible. We are opening new centres and expanding our services in an effort to reach more children. Another way in which we try to spread education far and wide is by accepting childcare vouchers as payment for our services.


What are childcare vouchers?

Childcare vouchers are the product of a government approved scheme, set up to provide an efficient way of paying for childcare. Working families that are paying income tax and national insurance are able to accept some of their income in tax-free childcare vouchers, which can be exchanged for childcare services. This is called a ‘salary sacrifice scheme’, and can result in large savings on childcare. Some parents could save as much as £933 per year, and it is worth noting that more than one parent per home can apply for the scheme. Childcare vouchers can prove a useful and efficient way of helping working families with their child’s education.


People often associate childcare vouchers with very young children, but a lot of people don’t realise that you can claim childcare vouchers up until the September following your child’s 15th birthday. Childcare vouchers are also available for parents on a wide scale of incomes. The vouchers are only available if there is an approved scheme with your employer, so it is worth checking if such a scheme exists at your workplace.


All of our OFSTED registered centres accept childcare vouchers as a form of payment for tuition. At Genie Tutors, we believe our tuition gives children a fantastic opportunity to achieve their goals at school and reach their potential. Childcare vouchers could help you mitigate the cost of quality education for your child. As well as accepting childcare vouchers, we are also participating in the KalliKids ‘Sponsor a Child’ campaign, which again shows our dedication to bringing highly regarded after-school education to as many children as we can.


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