"Avoid the ‘summer slide’ that children suffer whilst away from school for up to six weeks..."

Summer tutoring programmes 

By Stan Moore

We discussed in a previous blog how important it is to avoid the ‘summer slide’ that children suffer whilst away from school for up to six weeks. Tutoring programmes are both the perfect way to negate the summer slide but they serve an even greater purpose when it comes to preparing children for higher education and even employment later in life.


We’re going to look at the link between summer tutoring and better employment skills and prospects.

There is a range of summer programmes available to children of all ages. These programmes can be utilised to develop academic skills as well as increasingly important ‘soft’ skills and a positive attitude towards work and education. Getting children into the habit of working towards a goal not directly related to school or the classroom is a great way to show children that dedication in other areas is equally valuable. Unless someone grows up to be a teacher, they are unlikely to ever enjoy regular six week holidays during their employment.


Similarly, people who go on to be incredibly successful professionals or business owners often work outside their normal hours and

are truly committed to their career. Many of our summer programmes actively encourage children to think and behave in a more enterprising way. It’s incredibly important that children adopt traits such as resourcefulness and independence, especially as they move

towards higher education and these skills become imperative to performance.


Here’s where tutoring programmes specifically crafted for the summer break become so valuable.

The modern world is developing so quickly, as is the world of work. There are jobs today that simply didn’t exist as little as five or ten years ago and this is a challenge facing educators across the developed world. Whereas schoolteachers are bound to a restrictive curriculum, private tutors have the freedom, especially in the summer to focus on a range of topics and skills. This enables tutors to continue developing academic skills like literacy and numeracy whilst building in new skills. Children in the modern world must ‘learn to learn’ and be able to grasp new technology and ideas quickly. Creating a mindset that helps children see hurdles as challenges rather than obstacles is one of Genie Tutors’ main focuses.


Humans are the master adaptors but we only adapt when provided with new stimulus. All of our tutors are passionate about developing a full range of skills in students to better prepare them for the coming academic year, further education and the world of work.


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