Support for SATs, 11+ and GCSEs
Feed back every week
Difficult Concepts Grasped
... Or get faster results with The Boost Method
By choosing a tuition provider with over 10 years of experience you are a step closer to the peace of mind that comes with knowing your child is achieving.
At Genie Tutors – we expect improvement and provide the support needed to achieve.
When preparing for exams, as little as one hour a week can make a huge difference.
By starting early and making progress every week towards the grades you need your child can achieve success.
… and with feedback every week – peace of mind is ensured.
Is your child struggling?
Does your chid have the confidence or focus to achieve your goals.
Improving focus and confidence
is something that needs to be tackled if your child is to perform at school.
That’s why you can expect our tutors to “go the extra mile” to ensure that your child’s attitude to learning is right.
You might know that achieving the top grades is a challenge.
Our tutors are experts at finding and understanding how to get the last few marks that’ll make the difference in the top grades.
We set high exceptions and provide the support to achieve.
Ben and Becky have over 20 years of experience helping children to achieve.
If you want to support a transition into a new school, improve exam grades or help improve focus and confidence then the way we work at Genie Tutors will help you achieve your goals.
With feedback every week you can have the peace of mind that your child is making progress.